John Williams
US / 2021-06-22
La-La Land Records
1xCD (Album)
Release Credits
Dedicated credits for a release are listed here, e.g. Art Direction, Liner Notes or Producers.
No release credits.
# | Title | Duration |
1. |
Intimate Conversation
from Always (US, 1989)
1:28 m:s |
2. |
Premonitions *
from Always (US, 1989)
2:01 m:s |
3. |
Saying Goodbye
from Always (US, 1989)
3:15 m:s |
4. |
Pete In Heaven
from Always (US, 1989)
6:44 m:s |
5. |
The Return
from Always (US, 1989)
2:31 m:s |
6. |
The Old Timer’s Shack
from Always (US, 1989)
4:55 m:s |
7. |
Follow Me
from Always (US, 1989)
1:18 m:s |
8. |
Seeing Dorinda
from Always (US, 1989)
3:35 m:s |
9. |
Ted’s Heroics And Pete’s Aura *
from Always (US, 1989)
3:25 m:s |
10. |
Pete And Dorinda
from Always (US, 1989)
3:20 m:s |
11. |
Promise To Hap
from Always (US, 1989)
2:31 m:s |
12. |
The Rescue Operation
from Always (US, 1989)
5:16 m:s |
13. |
Among The Clouds
from Always (US, 1989)
8:37 m:s |
14. |
Dorinda Solo Flight
from Always (US, 1989)
3:28 m:s |
15. |
End Credits*
from Always (US, 1989)
4:09 m:s |
Additional Music | ||
16. |
The Return *
Film Version Segment from Always (US, 1989)
1:11 m:s |
17. |
The Old Timer’s Shack **
Alternate from Always (US, 1989)
4:46 m:s |
18. |
Follow Me *
Alternate from Always (US, 1989)
1:17 m:s |
19. |
The Rescue Operation **
Alternate from Always (US, 1989)
5:16 m:s |
20. |
Among The Clouds *
Alternate from Always (US, 1989)
4:14 m:s |
21. |
End Credits *
Alternate from Always (US, 1989)
6:24 m:s |
Total: 79:41 m:s